Development of A Practical Instructional Video for Sustainable Disaster Management
T.Kumazawa, M.Saito
Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, Volume 5, Issue 6, pp.475-488, 2011
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Trials of a “Local Planning Hub” with an e-Portfolio to Achieve a Competent Public Design
T.Kumazawa, M.Saito
Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.399-414, 2010
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Pre-evacuation Times and Evacuation Behaviors of Vulnerable People during the Flood-triggered Factory Explosion as a Natech
Nobuhito Ohtsu, Ana Maria Cruz, Yukari Sato, Yuko Araki, Mieko Saito
The 12th Conference of the International Society for the Integrated Disaster Risk Management, Integrated Disaster Risk Management Society (IDRiM), 09/2022
Development of a Digital Hazard Map for Evacuation Planning
M.Saito, S.Saito, R.Matsunaga, M.Ayabe
13th Symposium of International Urban Planning and Environment Association (IUPEA), 07/2022
Basic Survey of Disaster Risk and Coping Skills of Residents
M.Saito, Y.Sato
International Association People-environment Studies 27th Conference, International Association People-environment Studies (IAPS), 07/2022
Components of an augmented reality app effective in understanding flood disaster prevention
M.Saito, Y.Tajima, G.Kikui
12th Symposium of International Urban Planning and Environment Association (IUPEA) Universidad de Lisboa, 06/2016
The development of a hazard map for disaster prevention using augmented reality
M.Saito, Y.Tajima, G.Kikui
11th Symposium of International Urban Planning and Environment Association (IUPEA) Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 09/2014
Platform making autonomic community for disaster prevention,-Tokiwa park for disaster prevention in Soja-city in Okayama prefecture-
T.Kumazawa, M.Saito
The 24th World Congress of Architecture International Union of Architects (UIA), Tokyo, Japan, 09/2011
Influence of Videos with Computer-animated Characters on Learning Disaster Management
T.Kumazawa, M.Saito
Proceedings of International Technology, Education and Development(INTED) conference, P2759–P2767, Valencia, Spain, 03/2010
Trials of a “Local Planning Hub” with an e-Portfolio to Achieve a Competent Public Design
T.Kumazawa, M.Saito
The Fourth International Conference on Design Principles and Practices, P37, Chicago, USA, 02/2010
齋藤美絵子,佐藤ゆかり,綾部誠也,齋藤誠二,大山剛史,風早由佳,大津暢人,荒木裕子,Cruz Ana Maria,北後明彦